How to Attach a Flutter Sleeve with Bias Tape

A flutter sleeve is a dainty ruffle sleeve and can be added to any dress or top. We use this sleeve in our Champagne Field Dress.
More Champagne Field Dress Tutorials:
Step 1
Sew 2 rows of basting stitches on the raw edge of your flutter sleeve. Gather between the basting stitches.
Step 2
With right sides together, align the gathered edge of the flutter sleeve to the arm hole.
Align the center notch with the shoulder seam. Start and stop where the bodice and skirt have been attached.
Distribute gathers evenly, pin in place.
Step 3
Sew the flutter sleeve to the dress with a 1/4” seam allowance. Remove basting stitches.
Step 4
With right sides together, pin side seams. Sew with a 1/2” seam allowance. Finish the seams with a zig zag stitch or serger. Press seams towards the back.
Step 5
To prepare the bias tape, fold and press the bias tape lengthwise in thirds toward the wrong side. Unfold the bias tape.
Step 6
With right sides together, start at bottom back of the armhole and pin along the armscye without stretching the bias tape.
Step 7
Overlap the starting and ending point by 1/2”. Trim any excess.
Sew the bias tape ends together with 1/2” seam allowance. Press seam open.
Step 8
Sew the bias tape to the armscye with a 3/8” seam allowance, using the press line closest to the arm as a guide.
Step 9
Press the bias tape and seam allowance away from the armscye.
Understitch the seam allowance to the bias tape 1/8” from the seam. Make sure this understitch line goes through both the bias tape and the seam allowance.
Step 10
Trim the excess seam allowance down to a 1/4”.
Step 11
Using the press lines as a guide, fold the bias tape down 3/8” from the raw edge. Fold down again another 3/8”, enclosing all the raw edges.
By doing this, your flutter sleeve will now be pushed outwards. Your bias tape will now be on the inside of your armhole and not visible on the right side of your dress. Pin in place.
Step 12
On the wrong side of your dress, use a needle and thread to hand baste the bias tape to the armhole, making sure the flutter sleeve is facing out.
Remove pins. Press in place to create a flat, neat surface for sewing.
Step 13
Topstitch the bias tape with a 1/8” seam allowance. Remove the basting stitches.
1 comment
This is really helpful! Thank you!